Monday, November 22, 2010

Can I get a Witness!

Please click on link above to see some powerful "Card Board" Testimonies" from Marshall First Christian Church including Cindy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Check out post below for a tribute to Cindy's terrific husband Scott

Check out the post below. It is the November E Newsletter for the MDA Insider. Cindy expresses her appreciation and love for her husband Scott. If you click on the image it will take you to page that will give you a magnifying glass. Then click again and it will be normal size so that you can read the text. I think it will warm every ones heart to see the great love and appreciation these two have for each other.

MDA Newsletter- Look for Cindy's Thank You to her wonderful husband Scott

Questions or comments?  Please e-mail or call (217) 351-1853. Central Illinois Chapter  The MDA Insider November Online Edition  SAVE THE DATE!!  2011 Muscle Walk and Expo   April 2nd ▪ Springfield, IL White Oaks Mall Need a team captain packet? Let us know here.  Have you gotten your flu shot?  MDA is once again partnering with Walgreens so that our clients can receive free flu shots through our national voucher program.  We also reimburse clients up to $30 if there is not a Walgreens in there area.  Vouchers can be requested by phone (1-800-572-1717), via email ( or by completing MDA’s Flu Shot Voucher Request form on     Vouchers remain valid through February 28, 2011. November 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30     Nov. 3 - Springfield Clinic Nov. 4 - Quincy Meet N’ Greet Nov. 8 - Peoria ALS Support Group Nov. 10 - Effingham Lock Up Nov. 12 - Champaign Clinic Nov. 16 - Peoria Clinic Nov. 18 - Mattoon Meet N’ Greet Nov. 21 - Springfield MG Meet N’ Greet Providing care to a loved one who is ill and/or affected by a disability can take an emotional and physical toll on those who care for them. Caregivers play an integral role in the independence, well-being and daily care of the individuals we serve.  MDA would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You.  Below are some submissions from clients who wish to thank their loved ones: From Teresa Kiser: Dennis went from a factory worker to a full time caregiver in 1 day. He cooks, cleans, and he puts up with my zoo, 2 dogs and 2 cats.  He doesn't blink an eye when I ask him to shave my legs or polish my nails. He has somewhat mastered using a curling iron on my hair without burning my head.  Like he keeps telling me after 32 years of marriage, we're a team and we will get though this together...for better and worse, and in sickness and health. Love is for always, no matter what life brings you.  From Anita Carroll: I have a daughter that works at a Hospital 50 miles away 12hrs. daily. On the way home she will call and ask if I need anything, or she will bring me food. Other times she will come to my house and make the bed , do dishes, vacuums, shakes rugs, sweeps, mops the floor. When she goes shopping , she does not forget me. She will buy me something, she will push me in a wheelchair since I can hardly walk anymore. She is just a blessing (an ANGEL). I don't even have to say what I need , she knows ( like she has ESP). She is such a caring, loving nurse.  From Cindy Setzer: Scott is not only my caregiver, but was my high school sweetheart and is now my husband for 16 years and counting.    Friederichs Ataxia has taken my freedom of walking on my own, to using a walker and now confined to a wheel chair.  A few years ago my driving was also taken.  Scott rearranged his work schedule to care for me.  He works nights so he can help get my day going and be here during the day if needed.  We have a very active 14 year old son who is involved in many sports activities and Scott makes sure I miss nothing!   Scott will carry me to the highest bleacher to sit with the rest of the crowd.  Without my husband I would not have a very active life.  From Scott Wilson: I would like to recognize my caregiver, which is my wife Rana Wilson. We have been together for 7 yrs and have 5 wonderful children. My wife has been so loving, caring, supportive, encouraging, and compassionate. She helps me get dressed, get out of bed, go to the bathroom, take showers, and puts me in bed. She does all the housework, shopping, school events for our children and takes care of whatever is needed for me and our children. She never complains or is bitter about all that she does. She is always puts others before herself. She is the most wonderful wife and caregiver . She means the world to me, and I don't know what I would do without her. I appreciate all that she does for me, and I'm so thankful that words can't even begin to describe the joy I have because of her kindness, and generosity.  To the MDA Clinic Teams:  Thank you so much for all your hard work on behalf of all our clients.  Everyone here at MDA truly appreciates the care you give.   THANK YOU November is National Family Caregiver’s Month Caregiver Resources: If you are interested in learning more about caregiver “care” click on the following links for some great information:  Seven Tips for New Caregivers  Reducing the Stress of Caregiving  Family Caregiver Alliance  National Alliance for Caregiving  National Family Caregivers Association Summer camp is July 16-22nd and we are already searching for great counselors.  Individuals must be over 18 and we are ALWAYS short on male counselors!  We are also searching for a nurse.  If you know anyone who would fit these roles, please have them call the office.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hunting, Halloween and Med Trial Update

Well here I sit just waiting on the phone to ring. Another study trial came out last week but I did not qualify. Just my luck! I guess that means things are just moving slow. While I wait I'm still doing my therapy twice a week. Since that's all the news on me I want to brag on my son. On Halloween night he shot a doe with his bow. FIRST TIME! But the cool thing was my husband was also 14 and shot his first deer on Halloween night! FREAKY!