Saturday, September 25, 2010

Good News and Prayer

Cindy called this morning and has some news she would like to share with all of you who are her friends and prayer partners. She received a good report from her doctor on Thursday. She went to St. Louis and the doctor said that her muscles are really strong, heart and blood flow is good! Praise the Lord! She also has some exciting news which is that with the help of two people she has been walking around her home from her couch in and around the bar in the kitchen!!! Woo Hoo!!! Way to go Cindy! We pray for many more good reports.

Cindy would also like to share a burden that has been weighing heavy on her mind which is she often concerned with her weight more than she would like to be. She said she finally released it to the Lord and when she went to the doctor she found out she had lost 4lbs. This is good news while she stays in a healthy weight range. The doc tells Cindy that he doesn't want her to gain or lose too much. Just stay in the healthy range. So please be in agreement in prayer that she is able to maintain her healthy weight without focusing too much of her thought process on it so she can focus on higher things like her family, spirtual walk and healing. Thank you so much to everyone for being a part of Cindy's Success!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Post from Cindy

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I went through a rough spot in my faith and just didn't see a point in what I was doing. I have three wonderful people who come into my home and do physical therapy with me. Thanks to them I keep my obedience there. I did seem to keep my obedience in my church. Thanks to support unknowingly to them they was giving. As you may know I am awaiting a new drug to take which it may be January as of now. Sooner would be better. Since then (this week) I had a terricic friend layed their hands upon me and prayed. That day I started walkimg with a person on each side! A step in the right direction. Another piece of exciting news is that I found a new Dr. in Philadelpia and am awaiting word when I can get in. Thanks for all your support!